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Connect ideas, technology and finance

To build a sustainable, resilient and equitable future

“Future climate-related risks would be reduced by the upscaling and acceleration of far-reaching, multi-level and cross-sectoral climate mitigation and by both incremental and transformational adaptation.”

IPCC special report “Global Warming of 1.5 °C”

The Challenges

Climate change and water security are amongst the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The World Economic Forum has ranked climate & water-related risks as top global risks for several concessive years. IPCC’s special report in 2018 also warns that if no action is taken, global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 and the risks of climate change impacts are projected to be higher beyond 1.5°C. 

To mitigate negative impacts and continue ensuring future prospects, we not only need to reduce GHG emissions from economic activities but also need to improve our capacity to adapt to the new reality. This will ultimately require us to find new development models and growth paths in order to march towards a sustainable, clean and low carbon future. 

Our Mission aims to accelerate climate actions to move towards a low-carbon, resilient, inclusive and sustainable economy. 

Our mission is to help the broad range of stakeholders in our economy build up their knowledge and understandings of the transformation underway so that they can make more informed decisions. 

Borrowing from the idea of “Silkroad” – a network of trade routes and the exchange of ideas and cultures between the ‘East’ and the ‘West’ – our collaborative network initiative aims to use the similar bottom-up approaches to facilitate the exchange and transfer of ideas and technologies, to promote cross-border cooperation and collaboration, and to mobilise financial resources to the much-needed transition towards a sustainable and resilient future.


Igniting innovation through knowledge exchange and idea sharing


Facilitate technology transfer and scale up adoption of place-based solutions


Mobile finance to accelerate climate actions and promote social equity


Analyse risks & opportunities


Transfer technology & know-how


Mobalise business & finance

A proud member of

A new silk road for a better future